Monday, October 3, 2011

Better Homes and Gardens - February 1956

Welcome to Magazine Monday. Today’s Disneyland related article is from Better Homes and Gardens, February 1956. This is one of those articles where the rest of the magazine is missing; I was able to stitch the internet’s together to complete this post. Here’s the cover taken from an old Ebay photo.

The land the does away with time” is an excellent (if not short) article on a less than one year old Disneyland. Some interesting photos that really show how barren the park was in the early days.

The next two pages are the back sides of the Disneyland article, ok so maybe we’re not missing much by not having the entire issue.

These advertisements are from Better Homes and Gardens 1956 issues found on this great Flickr site (link).

This last advertisement if actually from 1954, but I couldn’t resist.


Major Pepperidge said...

Neat article, and I see at least one detail I have never seen in any other photo.

The Rocket to the Moon has three stripes at the top. In EVERY other photo I've ever seen, the letters "TWA" are where that third stripe is (or else there is nothing at all, since the TWA was removed sometime in 1960). INTERESTING!

Now I'll have to go back and see if there are any other early photos with the three stripes.

JG said...

Terrific post.

There's some plumbing names from the past...Universal Rundle...?

I always laughed at that one, since I couldn't imagine what an Exclusive Rundle, or a Select Rundle would have been...much less a Rundle of any kind?

That Eljer ad is pretty racy...I mean, you can just imagine what she looks like from the front...terrible filling our minds with such stuff.

Flickr is fun. I love the boneheads that scan things that are still in copyright, and then add their own little notices "all rights reserved". Too ignorant or pompous to notice that they have ripped off the original creator and then they are angry that someone else might re-post their images and they call that being ripped off themselves.

Sigh. I appreciate that you don't add your own trademark to your excellent scans, even though you should, just to identify you as the source of the preservation of these wonderful documents.


TokyoMagic! said...

That first bathroom ad is interesting. Who hangs a lamp directly over the toilet like that? Watch your head!

janet said...

Gotta have a good reading light over the toilet. :)

I just love magazine Mondays.